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Adults, families, children and young people

in North Yorkshire

Together we will make a difference


Online or in person

Welcome to Angitia
near Ripon, North Yorkshire


Counselling, Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy and Mindfulness

Sometimes we could do with a different kind of help with regards to our behaviours, thoughts or feelings from what our friends or family can provide. We can be aware for example that feelings of sadness, anger, stress or anxiety are transmuting into uncomfortable and limiting physical symptoms. We might be struggling to find a sense of calm, balance, self-confidence, or clarity of thought and decision making. It could be that an important relationship is troubling us, especially the one with ourselves, and we may be aware of a tendency to self-sabotage any attempts at increased self-fulfilment, enjoyment or success.


The effects on our lives of bravely struggling on without the help that we need can be near or far-reaching. We can watch on while all the time feeling worse and increasingly powerless and unhappy.


Until that is that you might decide it’s time to explore the possibility of change. That’s when the therapies I offer are here for you to consider, both for yourself or perhaps you are a parent looking for therapy for your child.


I can work with you in person, or online and together we can use any combination of therapies which will best suit your needs. After looking around my website, if you'd like to know more, please drop a note into my contact form and we can begin to find out how I can help.


Kathryn Creed BA Hons PGCE Dip Hyp CS

Therapies I offer 

Online or in person






What is Counselling?

Counselling is a safe space where you can explore and express thoughts and feelings through dialogue with someone who will support you and care for you in complete confidence and without judgement. Together with your therapist, you might look at a problem in different ways until solutions are found.  Difficult emotions can be expressed in ways which allow them gradually to be released and processed.


It’s about processing difficult feelings, navigating through life’s challenges, and finding what is right for you going forward…



What is Hypnotherapy?


Hypnotherapy works more directly with the unconscious as well as the conscious mind. It involves imagery and relaxation and uses the natural state of awareness which we call trance to ‘reprogram’ the mind either to get more of what we do want, for example a sense of calm or self-confidence, success in sports or public speaking, or less of what we don’t want, such as anxiety and self-doubt, smoking or a phobia.


It’s about deep lasting change within, freeing you from what’s been holding you back, and bringing more of what you want into your life…




What is Psychotherapy?


Psychotherapy is a term used here to describe a more in depth and analytical form of counselling. As the therapist listens closely to her client, she analyses her client’s ‘story’ which is their past experiences woven together with the beliefs and feelings which these experiences created.  Our childhoods can be a time when our adulthood is patterned, and dreams can be messages from our unconscious  mind which is always striving to heal and protect itself.


It’s about knowing and understanding who we are, loving ourselves unconditionally and taking back control...

What is Mindfulness?


Mindfulness is being intensely aware of what you are sensing and feeling in the present moment without interpretation or judgment. It can be understood as a number of meditative type practices and approaches to thinking which have been shown to reduce the mental and physiological symptoms of stress. It is also a form of ‘brain training’ and ‘brain relaxing’ which improves our ability to concentrate, be creative and generate feelings of balance, centeredness, calm and enjoyment.


It’s about using short science-based meditative techniques to improve concentration, creativity, mood control and general health and wellbeing...

Children & Teenagers

Children & Teenagers

Throughout my teaching career, child mental health and wellbeing was my key concern. When a child feels happy and secure, the best possible progress is made in learning. Self-confidence leads to more rapid development of social skills and other characteristics of personality which maximise wellbeing and success, for example: curiosity, emotional resilience, empathy, tenacity and appreciation. If your child or teenager seems to lack self-confidence, is anxious, angry, argumentative, feels lost, helpless, deeply sad, joyless or lacking in self-esteem, I will build a strong rapport and then use a variety of psychotherapeutic techniques for healing. Next, I will work with your child or teenager to develop emotional resilience by giving them the practical tools needed to deal effectively with the challenging journey of growing up in today’s world.


Working with your child or teenager means working alongside and with you. It is essential that, as the parent, at all times you feel comfortable and in control when a therapist works with your child or teenager. As such, I will formulate and discuss with you a clear programme of sessions whereby you will be invited to help support the progress being made. I can offer guidance in parenting where beneficial for both you and your child.


Younger Children





Throughout my teaching career, child mental health and wellbeing was my key concern. When a child feels happy and secure, the best possible progress is made in learning. Self-confidence leads to more rapid development of social skills and other characteristics of personality which maximise wellbeing and success, for example: curiosity, emotional resilience, empathy, tenacity and appreciation. If your child or teenager seems to lack self-confidence, is anxious, angry, argumentative, feels lost, helpless, deeply sad, joyless or lacking in self-esteem, I will build a strong rapport and then use a variety of psychotherapeutic techniques for healing. Next, I will work with your child or teenager to develop emotional resilience by giving them the practical tools needed to deal effectively with the challenging journey of growing up in today’s world.


Working with your child or teenager, means working alongside and with you. It is essential that as the parent, at all times you feel comfortable and in control when a therapist works with your child or teenager. As such, I will formulate and discuss with you a clear programme of sessions whereby you will be invited to help support the progress being made. I can offer guidance in parenting where beneficial for both you and your child.

What therapy works best for children?


Young children can respond especially well to hypnotherapy because they are highly imaginative and at the learning stage of their lives. Through therapy, problems can be short lived and children will learn early the invaluable tools for growing through life's inevitable challenges. 

What therapy works best for teenagers?


Hypnotherapy and counselling with the integration of some mindfulness techniques can be a highly effective combination of therapies for older children. Teenage years are a vital time to develop a positive self-identity but sadly very often young people are struggling to meet their own expectations. Negative feelings are frequently turned inwards and many teenagers benefit enormously from some expert help.

Younger Children

Together we will make a difference

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